Awaken | Inspire | Connect


Awaken | Inspire | Connect

The initiation and invitation of 2020

The initiation and invitation of 2020

This year has been an initiation and an invitation for us all in so many ways. Initiation, means to start something. And I deeply feel in amongst the turbulent waves of 2020, there has been a steady...

Finding joy in amongst uncertain times

Finding joy in amongst uncertain times

Joy is the lifeblood of our human experience. To be without it, is to rob ourselves of the richest wealth we have come to enjoy with others in our earthly existence. A life lived without experiences...

The Journey

The Journey

World bound But eternally free The atlas of my heart Takes me from place to place In search of the ocean Deep and true To remember it's not just the drop But the wave, and ocean too In a tidal dance...

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